Monday 2 July 2012

Local Exhaust Ventilation Assessor Training

Local Exhaust Ventilation Thorough Inspection and Test
24th July 2012
Holiday Inn Express, Swansea,
M4 Junction 43
Course Content
This assessor training will be based on a theory workshop designed to enable the participants to carry out thorough testing and examination of LEV systems as is required COSHH.
Legislation – Covering the duties and responsibilities of both employer and employee.
Hazardous Substances – What substances do we need to control
Basic Principles of Control
Assessment Methods
Information gathering - Testing Techniques (Face Velocity, Static Pressure, Duct Velocities, Capture Velocity etc)
Evaluation of Risk – (consequences of system failure)
Records - Format and Presentation
Review - Appropriate time scale
Informing Others – Training requirements

Optional Knowledge Check
The delegates who choose to do so will undertake a knowledge check test to demonstrate their understanding and acquired skills. This knowledge check test would be posted back to Occhnet for marking. On attaining a pass mark the delegate will be presented with a course certificate.
 Course Fees
This 1 day course includes refreshments and will run from 9:30 – 15:00.
Delegate Rate -       £345 + VAT/ Single Booking
            £325 + VAT/ delegate for 3 or more bookings

Booking Terms – Payment must accompany delegate bookings in order for them to be processed. Cheques made payable to Occhnet Ltd.

Cancellation refunds will be awarded on the following scale; up to 21 days full refund, up to 14 days 50% refund, less than 14 days no refund.

Email Booking to


  1. This is a brilliant article. It will help a lot of people. Thanks for sharing it with us. Fire safety training

  2. It is quite informative article and it is quite necessary for the safety of workers to follow safety precautions under the guidance of any Workplace Health & Safety Consultant
